Nordic Ocean Watch Denmark
CVR 39854082
The mission of Nordic Ocean Watch Denmark (NOW) is to strengthen the public focus on the extent of pollution in the oceans and its consequences. Furthermore, NOW wants to contribute to creating a future where marine pollution is reduced through the actions of the individual as well as volunteer initiatives.
NOW wants to reach a wide community of people. Anyone can take part in caring for the ocean, by making behavioural changes and participating in activities, many small actions can affect major change when combined.
NOW has three major focus areas which guide the practical implementation of NOW’s vision:
Activation - We arrange activities enabling people to actively give back to the ocean.
Knowledge sharing - We give the ocean a voice.
Community - We foster ambassadors for the ocean.
In the following sections NOW’s achievements are presented within each focus area in 2022. The annual report also includes an overview of financial partnerships and NOW’s financial statements of 2022.
2022 was a challenging year for the cleanup coordinator team as there was a high turnover in volunteers. However, in the second half of the year NOW managed to attract two new members that brought fresh motivation to the cleanup coordinator team.
In total, NOW organised and conducted 8 cleanups with approximately 100 volunteers participating. The total amount of waste collected was 129kg. The graphic below shows the percentage per category.
Figure: The category “Rope & string” constitutes less than 2% of the total trash collected in 2022.