Community and online communications
In terms of its online presence, NOW’s audience increased 32% in 2023. NOW’s website had 5.8K unique visitors and 16K page views.
NOW’s social media channels have also shown a positive audience increase, with 6.5% more followers on Facebook and 5% more followers on Instagram, currently at 2,084 and 2,017 respectively. NOW’s new LinkedIn account currently has 170 followers (status update February 2024), a 26% increase compared to 2022.
In 2023, NOW continued the #ArtforOcean campaign, featuring artists dedicating their work to the oceans and/or collaborating with NOW, continued with 'Did you know?' posts in collaboration with NOW’s biologists, and celebrated international days connected to the oceans and the environment, e.g. Earth Day, World Oceans Day and World Cleanup Day. NOW also continued to post regularly about the cleanups that were held throughout 2023, sharing cleanup information, updates, photos from the cleanups, and data about the trash collected.
With support from Ocean Outdoor Denmark and the Drops in the Ocean campaign, NOW shot a short video presenting the organisation, which was shown in shopping centres all over Denmark for 3 weeks in July 2023. Last but not least, NOW again participated with its own booth in the International Citizen Days, hosted by the municipality of Copenhagen to engage the expat community in volunteering.