Lot Winther

My connection with the water started as a child of a water enthusiast. “Water is life”, he’d always say. I grew up around water and with explorations and adventures in the North.


But when I dove in Great Barrier Reef, that’s where my love integrated. I was amazed by the colors of the plants underneath the surface and the endless species. It turned into a beautiful escape from the world above and a place where I could be in flow and at ease. It’s become a part of how I navigate in the world and heal myself.

Over time, the water has found its way to my paintings and other media, and I’ve found that my audience resonates. From people seeking healing to activists working actively to save our ocean. I find my role as a line between the viewers and collectors and the divers and biologists.

My art has the purpose of bringing people together in a space where all forces fall down and the natural open mind and compassion comes forward, allowing connection to flourish.

The intention with my art is to lead the viewer from reflection into transformation, regardless of the stage they’re at. In my opinion, that’s how we create the foundation for sustainable actions.

See more photos and read much more about my art here www.lotwinther.com

/Lot Winther