In Niels' work, there is also a layer of the relationship between man and nature.
“Nature today is under pressure. In my belief, thanks to technological developments, we have quietly removed ourselves from the understanding that we are part of it. But at the same time, technology allows us to manufacture and surround ourselves with natural surrogates. We may not recognise the root of nature within us, but we miss it. We have gardens we decorate, potted plants and cut flowers indoors, Outdoor Living stores, plastic laminates with wood look and everything in nature-referencing decor. We fence nature in, we give it names and opening hours, make-up with “natural look” - we fill our lives with nature, while nature is just something that is outside. Of course, I also hope that my pictures can modestly contribute to looking at our 7,300 km of coastline with an understanding other than the recreation that "a drop in the sea" is a badly worn saying that does not apply to an ever more pressing globe. "