The first couple of weeks conducting the research project have led to many scientific discoveries. The research project consists of two parts. The first part of the project is trawling for microplastics on the sea surface by manta trawl and the second part of the project is automated visual observation for macroplastic by a GoPro camera. The research project is conducted throughout the whole voyage covering both the North and South Atlantic Ocean, during which, samples will be collected periodically.
The first couple of days have been used to prepare and set up the scientific equipment, as well as to get to know the facilities on board. The rigging of the manta trawl was prepared with help from the crew onboard. A boom is used to position the trawl tow line away from the side of the ship and a steady linear course is maintained during trawling. A manta trawl is a net system for sampling the surface of the ocean. It resembles a manta ray, with wings and a broad mouth and the whole trawl is towed on the side of the ship. The manta trawl is useful for collecting samples from the surface of the ocean, such as sampling microplastic.